2007 Aug 20 6:33 PM
Dear SAP friends,
I have a report program. The program displays the selected data in ALV grid.
I also added a custom button in the ALV grid toolbar. The purpose of the button is to "Show/hide legend'.
The legend info is displayed in the form of another ALV grid on the top of the screen.
ALV grid always has 1st cell yellow highlighted.
How I could remove the hightlight? I tried to set the focus off the grid. But the yellow highlight is not a focus.
Please help.
Thank you
2007 Aug 20 7:09 PM
Try to call the following method with blank internal table
Refresh : i_selected_rows.
CALL METHOD g_grid_3000->get_selected_rows
et_row_no = i__selected_rows.
2007 Aug 21 3:03 PM
You probably mean SET_selected_rows.
So I tried the method SET_SELECTED_ROWS and other methods of changing the selection.
Like this:
DATA: i_selected_cells_ln TYPE LVC_s_CENO.
DATA: i_selected_cells_tb LIKE TABLE of i_selected_cells_ln.
REFRESH i_selected_cells_tb.
CALL METHOD o_grid_lgnd->get_selected_cells_id
et_cells = i_selected_cells_tb.
READ TABLE i_selected_cells_tb INTO i_selected_cells_ln INDEX 1.
i_selected_cells_ln-row_Id = '0'.
i_selected_cells_ln-col_id = '0'.
MODIFY i_selected_cells_tb FROM i_selected_cells_ln INDEX 1.
CALL METHOD o_grid_lgnd->set_selected_cells_id
it_cells = i_selected_cells_tb.
The default selection after a table is loaded into a grid is:
i_selected_cells_ln-row_Id = '1'.
i_selected_cells_ln-col_id = '1'.
This is what gives you the yellow highlight.
So I tried to change:
i_selected_cells_ln-row_Id = '0'.
i_selected_cells_ln-col_id = '0'
But the default selection is not getting changed.
So the question is:
How the default selection in ALV grid could be removed?
2007 Aug 21 4:00 PM
--> ALV grid always has 1st cell yellow highlighted.
Yes and you can't change it. (had the same problem before and got and official answer from the GUI colleagues)...
2007 Aug 22 1:34 PM
Thank you.
Your answer will save my time trying to achieve not achievable.