2007 Jul 20 7:20 AM
i want to fetch the condition types& their condition values which are in me22n---->invoice---->taxes tab.these condition types are present in KONP table but not in KONV table.KNUMV field in EKKO table and KNUMH field in KONP table are not same ,please help in retreiving the above data by telling the table links.
2007 Jul 20 7:24 AM
1. Extract KNUMV from EKKO.
2. Using EKKO-KNUMV - Extract conditions from KONV where KONV-KNUMV = EKKO-KNUMV.
3. We can find item prices where KONV-KPOSN = EKPO-EBELP.
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2007 Jul 20 7:24 AM
1. Extract KNUMV from EKKO.
2. Using EKKO-KNUMV - Extract conditions from KONV where KONV-KNUMV = EKKO-KNUMV.
3. We can find item prices where KONV-KPOSN = EKPO-EBELP.
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2007 Jul 20 7:33 AM
It seems you are looking for the contract conditions.
It can be achieved as below.
extract PACKNO from EKPO
use the PACKNO SUB_PACKNO from ESLL to validate againt the EKPO-PACKNO.
now relate the kont_pack kont_zeile of A081 with pln_packno pln_introw from ESLL.
2007 Jul 20 8:06 AM
You need to first find out the Access sequence related Condition tables(some A* like A003, A012 or A353 etc) related to these taxes.
Take the condition type for the taxes in KONP and search in these A* tables
so after finding this A series table take the KNUMH from that and pass that to KONP-KNUMH table and take the KBETR and KWERT fields and use
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