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Regarding Types of reports

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Hi friends

Help me to find the tutorial for ABAP Reports(Types and their applications)


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Possible types are:


Executable Programs (1)</b>

Can be started without a transaction code,

either directly or in the background.

Executable programs are controlled by an invisible system program.

The system program calls processing blocks in the program in a

pre-defined order. It displays the selection screen at the

beginning of the program and outputs a list at the end. Executable

programs allow you to work with logical databases.

<b>Module Pools for Screen Painter Screens (M)</b>

Contain processing steps for screen

modules from the transaction and can only

be executed with a transaction code or a

menu function.

<b>Includes (I)</b>

Contain program code that cannot be

run on its own.

You call them from another program using

INCLUDE statements.

<b>Subroutines (S)</b>

Contain parts of programs (FORM routines) that can be called

using external PERFORM statements.

<b>Function Groups (F)</b>

Contain function modules. Function groups and function

modules are managed in the Function Builder. Program

type F is set by the Function Builder, and cannot be changed

in the program attributes.

<b>Interface Pools (J)</b>

Contain interfaces. Classes and interfaces are managed (administered)

in the Class Builder; program type J cannot be changed in the


<b>Class Pools (K)</b>

Contain interfaces. Classes and interfaces are managed (administered)

in the Class Builder; program type K cannot be changed in the


0 Kudos

GO to T.Code SE38.

From Menu select Environment -> Examples (Ergonomics, Performance, Control)


Anish Thomas

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Friend,

Programs that can be run

These programs can be run by a user by entering the program name or a transaction code. They are they actual application programs within the R/3 System, and are explained in more depth later on.

Type 1

You can start a type 1 program by entering its program name. For this reason, they are also known as executable programs. When you start a type 1 program, processors are started in the runtime environment that call a series of processing blocks (event blocks) in a predefined sequence. The sequence is oriented towards reporting tasks. This is why executable programs are also known as reports. For further information, refer to Running Programs Directly - Reports.

A special type of type 1 program is a logical database. You can start logical databases together with reports. A logical database contains subroutines that are called by an invisible system program in a prescribed sequence for type 1 programs. The subroutines make certain reporting functions reusable. For further information, refer to Logical Databases.

Type M

Type M programs can only be started using a transaction code. A transaction code starts a screen, which consists of the screen itself and its flow logic. Screen flow logic can call special processing blocks (dialog modules) in the corresponding ABAP program. Since type M programs contain mostly dialog modules, they are known as module pools. For further information about running module pools, refer to Dialog-controlled Program Execution - Transactions.

Programs that Cannot Be Run Directly

These programs cannot be started directly by a user. Instead, they contain processing blocks or other source code that can only be used by an application program that is already running. They are described in more detail in a later section.

Type F

Type F programs are not executable. They serve as a container for function modules. When you call a function module from an ABAP program, the entire main program is loaded into the internal session of the current program. Since type M programs contain mainly function modules, they are known as function groups. Function modules are a type of procedure. They are described in more detail in the Procedures section.

Type K

Type K programs are not executable. They are container programs for global classes, and are known as class definitions. Classes belong to ABAP Objects and are described in more detail in that section.

Type J

Type J programs are not executable. They are container programs for global interfaces, and are known as interface definitions. Interfaces belong to ABAP Objects and are described in more detail in that section.

Type S

Type S programs are not executable. They are container programs for subroutines that should only be called externally. When you call a subroutine from an ABAP program, the entire main program is loaded into the internal session of the current program. Since type S programs contain mainly subroutines, they are known as subroutine pools. Subroutines are a type of procedure. They are described in more detail in the Procedures section.

Type I

Type I programs cannot be run directly, and contain no callable processing blocks. They are used exclusively for modularizing ABAP source code, and are included in other programs. Include programs are described in more detail in the Source Code Modules section.

<b>Reward point, if helpful.</b>



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