2009 Feb 11 10:40 AM
Hi All,
In the transaction code SU3 some of the parameters have been maintained for each USER.
Could you please anyone tell me anyone in which transaction these parameters has been created and how.
As I am looking to create a Custom Parameter ID which is going to be maintained in the USER profiles Parameter
Thanks in advance for the support.
2009 Feb 11 10:56 AM
parameter id is maintained at data element level.....in FURTHUR CHARACTORISTICS
so if you want to use parameter id for a parameter for USER then either
1) You have to use parameter id specified in its DATA ELEMENT
2) If parameter id is not assigned to it assign it and use and if its s standard DATA ELEMENT then in that case you cant use it...
if maintained you can make use of SET / GET to give value in it.
2009 Feb 11 11:41 AM
In tansaction SU3 click on any field for which u want to know the parameter id and click on F1 .After a window is opened click on technical infornmation icon .U can see the parameter id of the particluar field.