2008 Feb 15 2:24 PM
hi guys,
i have a report which will display next material number after giving the material number range and no. of hits in selection screen. the output should start with the lower value which was given in select-options.instead of this the output is showing from the starting value which is there in internal table. for ex : if i enter the matnr range as FIN299 TO FIN999 and 10 no of hits,then my output should show as fin299.................to fin 308.but instead of this i am getting fin102...............to fin112.bcz in my internal table(t_final) the value is starting from fin102.plz provide a solution asap.very urgent.its a support issue.
Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 15, 2008 2:56 PM
2008 Feb 15 2:27 PM
Are U using this RANGE table in ur SELECT Statement?
Check this.
2008 Feb 15 2:27 PM
Are U using this RANGE table in ur SELECT Statement?
Check this.
2008 Feb 15 2:54 PM
no i am not using any range table in any tabels.still i am not clear with ur question.
2008 Feb 15 2:59 PM
Hello Mahesh,
In the selection screen u r entering the range of the material right !!!
So u have use that range in the select command.
Hope you understood now.
2008 Feb 15 2:28 PM
Recheck your select query, there has to be something wrong in the code, if u want only the Material given in the select-option then your internal table should have that only.