2008 Jun 25 10:35 AM
hi friends,
i have some issues?
i retrived the data some 5 tables. and the data will in internal table but i displaed in ALV_GRID. How to transfor a data from 5 internal table into 1 internal table.
2008 Jun 25 10:38 AM
create a final internal table with 5 table fields.
after u retrive data from 5 table fields ,loop at final internal table and read the data from 5 tables and move to final internal table.
2008 Jun 25 10:46 AM
We need to make the final internal table that will have all fields from all 5 internal table but they should be in proper sequence.
Then we can simply append lines of corresponding tables to final internal table.
APPEND LINES OF itab1 to itab_final.
ans so on.....
or we can use MOVE-CORRESPONDING itab1 TO itab_final.
then APPEND itab_final.
Hope this helps you.
plz reward if useful.