2007 Mar 28 11:00 AM
Hi Folks
For testing one priority enhancement we need to do change the batch job RBDMIDOC in Acceptance System similar to that in Production system.
Acceptance systemis having only 1 variant in it, where as Production system is having 5 Variants
Please suggest me complete procedure.
2007 Mar 28 11:12 AM
well even when the Production system has got 5 variants u can set one variant in the acceptance system to schedule for every 5 minutes or so. This RBDMIDOC procesess the idoc's which are scheduled to be delivered immediately so when u have set in the sending system to run for every 5 min it shud work fine.
2007 Mar 28 11:07 AM
The RBDMIDOC program will have to be scheduled in background say for every 5 minutes or so.
You can created a variant that you want to use and provide it at the time of scheduling.
2007 Mar 28 11:12 AM
well even when the Production system has got 5 variants u can set one variant in the acceptance system to schedule for every 5 minutes or so. This RBDMIDOC procesess the idoc's which are scheduled to be delivered immediately so when u have set in the sending system to run for every 5 min it shud work fine.
2007 Mar 28 11:19 AM
Hi Folks
Can you please let me know the procedure how we can create the variants for Background jobs.
Points are assured for correct answers.
2007 May 23 8:59 AM