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Reg: Unicode- Coverage Analyzer- (SCOV)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Can any one tell me how we can use the Coverage Analyzer (Transaction SCOV)as a tool for Unicode enabling. What are the sequence of steps that are to be followed.

Any Information, Documentation, Links, or examples that elucidates the same are highly solicited.

Thank you in anticipation.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Using Coverage analyzer you can report on the progress made on unicode-enabling ABAP code (or processing blocks that comply with unicode rules). (Time Vs percentage of code enabled with Unicode)

Using detail view from SCOV, you can also prioritize the programs that need to be converted first (based on higher usage).

I think this is about all that is there in SCOV as far as unicode-enabling is concerned.

There are couple of articles on SAPPro (subscribed service) that talk a little on SCOV in unicode context, and, on unicode-enabling.


0 Kudos

Hi Ajay,

Could you please elucidate the sequence of steps by taking an example.

Let me put it this way.

We need to use this tool to check the results while enabling the programs to unicode. How would this tool help us in this context. This is very crutial to us and we are complete novice as far as implementing Unicode is concerned.

Please Please Please ..Do revert at the earliest ASAP.

0 Kudos


I haven't used SCOV much.

In SCOV, 'global view' gives you a set of figures and graphical representation of system performance data. One of these graphs show the unicode-percentange of all programs that are unicode-enabled(one axis is time (month) and other axis represents percentage of programs that are unicode enabled). This is just to see how many programs have been unicode-enabled in the system. As long as you are not 100%, there is work to be done.

To force unicode-enabling (there may be programs which are unicode compliant but have not been set to unicode), you can check the profile parameter abap/unicode_check to enforce unicode syntax checks. (This has nothing to do with SCOV per se).

Now, how best to use SCOV when an object is being unicode-enabled and you need to make sure it is working fine?

After unicode-enabling the program you need to test it to make sure it works. But after running one or more tests successfully, how do you know whether all lines of code in the program have been covered in the tests?

SCOV can give you information whether all blocks of the code has been tested or not. If all blocks of a program/object have been tested after unicode-enabling (as reported in SCOV) then you can assume your testing to be complete. If on the other hand some blocks (let us say cetain subroutines in the program) have not been executed, you can see this in the detailed view in SCOV, and accordingly run other tests to ensure that this code is tested.

I am sorry I can not give you a step by step for this, if you post your mail-id, I can probably mail you a document which talks about this in a little (not much) detail.


0 Kudos

Hi Ajay,

Thanks alot for the info.

If you have any other document other than

"How to Make Your ABAP Code Unicode-Enabled" By

Dr. Christian Hansen, please mail it to my " "ID

Thank You very much.


Former Member
0 Kudos


You were very clear in explaining what to do on SCOV. Now am running SCOV and in detailed view Iam excecuting a program and in the results everyting is showing 0.00 and unicode is showing 100.00? What does that infer and in the exception colum iam getting a red symbol. What does that mean? Does that mean ther is an error in that or not??

Can you please reply me soon.

Thanks and regards,
