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Reg Screen attributes

Former Member
0 Kudos


When i copy a selection screen from a existing program to re use it, the screen copied has normal screen as its screen type and iam unable to change the attribute since selection screen option is disabled.And also when i try to create a new screen with screen number 1000 again the selection screen option is disabled so i get run time error each time i try to execute the program.Can someone help me please.


Former Member
0 Kudos

if u copy a selection screen it will be copied as a dialog screen only.

copy the selection screen coding & paste it in ur program.


Former Member
0 Kudos

if u copy a selection screen it will be copied as a dialog screen only.

copy the selection screen coding & paste it in ur program.

0 Kudos

Hi Kalpanashri,

Thanks for your quick response.It works now but why the screen number is not listed under screen folder in object navigator ? Where does the screen reside then?

0 Kudos

i think u didnt activated ur program if u activate it, automatically the attribute will be set to selection screen & corresponding flow logic will be generated.

0 Kudos


I activated the program and the attribute is set to selection screen automatically now.But what iam asking is why in object navigator the screen number is not listed under Screens folder?

0 Kudos

is it standard screen number 1000.If yes it wont be displayed under screen folder.

only customer specified screen numbers are displayed

Former Member
0 Kudos

selection screen number will be displayed as 1000 definitely if u have activated the program.



0 Kudos

do you mean to say that it will be listed under screens folder with 1000 as its number? I have the screen 1000 now but it is not under screens folder

0 Kudos


The screen number 1000 will not be displayed in SE80..

The screen number 1000 is reserved for the Standard selection screen.

This screen is automatically generated by SAP with some ABAP statements. It will not be listed in the Object navigator.

You can create onli user defined screens with numbers other than 1000. These will be listed out in Object navigator.

Plz do remember to close the thread, when ur problem is solved !! reward all helpful answers !!


sai ramesh.

0 Kudos

Search for programs with name starting with 'Demo_sel_screen'

with 'Demo_sel_screen*' in se38.

All the programs are having selection screens created through statements 'Selection-screen' 'Parameters' 'select-options' and they dont have any other screens, even then they are having a number 1000 in the screen folder.

Thats because the number 1000 will be automatically assigned to the selection screen that was created using the above statements.

0 Kudos

se38, also in se80 u can see the scren number 1000.

Also if u see the attributes of that particular screen u will see that it is not an ordinary scrrem or subscreen or dialogbox screen but it is a selection screen.

Former Member
0 Kudos


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