2007 May 18 2:35 PM
Hi all,
I have an issue with using the method <b>CREATE_CDATA_SECTION</b> of Interface IF_IXML_DOCUMENT.
I have created an XML file from ABAP using methods in IF_IXML_DOCUMENT etc.
The XML file is perfectly alright. But now there's a need to add CDATA section.
I need the CDATA section as follows in XML file...
<b><Description><![CDATA[test data]]></Description></b>
Can anybody help/advice me on this?
Ashok Parupalli.
2007 May 19 10:10 AM
this is how i handle cdata section in my code
data: l_document type ref to if_ixml_document,
l_data type ref to if_ixml_element ,
temp_string type string .
clear temp_string .
concatenate `<![CDATA[`
`First Line of Text`
`Second line of Text`
`Third Line of Text`
`` into temp_string separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
l_data = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_booklist name = 'DESC' value = temp_string ).]]>
2007 May 19 10:10 AM
this is how i handle cdata section in my code
data: l_document type ref to if_ixml_document,
l_data type ref to if_ixml_element ,
temp_string type string .
clear temp_string .
concatenate `<![CDATA[`
`First Line of Text`
`Second line of Text`
`Third Line of Text`
`` into temp_string separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
l_data = l_document->create_simple_element( parent = l_booklist name = 'DESC' value = temp_string ).]]>
2007 Nov 13 9:36 AM
I have a problem with the 'l_booklist', I declare it as 'l_booklist TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node' like in the interface but a shortdump comes up. must it be filled?