2012 Jan 20 7:31 AM
Dear All,
when i transported my ALV report output to excel file , amount column is suppressed from decimal places .
i.e. in excel file , decimal values of amount column is not shown in some amounts.
Please provide some inputs
Thanks & Regards
2012 Jan 20 7:41 AM
One option is just change the currency fields type to number.Other option is change Excel tab settings from General to currency.
2012 Jan 20 8:46 AM
2012 Jan 20 4:58 PM
What I have done on occasion, for a file that was going to be frequently created and downloaded, is record an Excel macro that overcomes Excel's inherent shortcomings in processing data from "real" systems. The user opens the file and then executes the macro to set widths, adjust columns settings, etc.
2012 Jan 20 5:56 PM
make it a character field and add a ' (apostrophe) before the number.
2012 Jan 20 6:50 PM
Then you defeat the intent of sending a number to Excel...can't sum it, etc., after that, can you?
2012 Jan 20 7:27 PM
it all depends upon what he needs after downlading.. i have seen customers who just need the report as is.. seen many who hate to run anything extra after downloading... have also seen people needing to do more excel stuff like you said BreakPoint.. So its all how the users use it..
2012 Jan 20 8:19 PM
Try this, instead of downloading it as Local File >> Spreadsheet
Choose Spreadsheet directly (gui function &XXL) it will save it as MHTML and after saving it, rename the extension to xls.