2016 Jan 19 11:29 PM
Dear Seniors,
We have developed an ZReport using SAP Query Tool but we cannot use it properly because there is no refresh button.
Each time that we want an update, we have to go back in forth in the report.
Please let me know how can we add a refresh button in SAP Query Report
Many thanks,
2016 Jan 20 10:38 AM
Hello Alex,
May be you can implement the enhancement SQUE0001 which will create a new radio button in the output format, then write a custom code to which displays ALV with refresh option.
Refer to below documents for reference.
demo program to refresh alv grid(oops) - Code Gallery - SCN Wiki
2020 Nov 17 7:19 PM
Hi Thanga,
Your post is "old" and the link to the demo program does'nt work )-:
Can you send the appropriate link?
Thank you ,
2020 Nov 18 1:11 AM
kobi.hershkovitz Please find link https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=491919187
Also I can see Raymond has already provided the same link in below comment
2020 Nov 17 8:52 AM
Hi Thanga,
Your post is "old" and the link to the demo program does'nt work )-:
Can you refresh it?
Thank you ,
2020 Nov 17 3:36 PM
2020 Nov 19 1:32 PM
Hi Raymond.
Thank you for your quick answer , but what i'm looking for is a way to add "refresh" process on sap query .
I prefer a standard sulotion , without coding .
If there is no one , maybe we must add abap coding on "extras" of info-set....