2023 Jul 09 8:35 AM
Hi Experts,
I have some text stored in the xd03 header , I can fetch or store using READ_TEXT or SAVE_TEXT...No issue in that.
Iam looking for contains pattern so that i can search text name like text name - 0300006170* (contains pattern)
Because, I have lot of texts assigned to the BP...so im looking to search with the input text name = '0300006170*...
I can plan with STXH/STXL, Is there any other way to achieve the same.
2023 Jul 09 9:02 AM
Did you try with FM READ_MULTIPLE_TEXTS which allow wildcards in most parameters.
2023 Jul 09 11:05 AM
Just the easy way?
DATA(like_tdname) = |{ '0300006170' }%|.
SELECT tdid, tdname FROM stxh WHERE tdobject = 'KNVV'
AND tdname LIKE @like_tdname
AND tdspras = @sy-langu
INTO TABLE @DATA(text_ids).
LOOP AT text_ids REFERENCE INTO DATA(text_id).
id = text_id->tdid
language = sy-langu
name = text_id->tdname
object = 'KNVV'
2023 Jul 09 11:36 AM
Hi karthik_sub,
I noticed that all of your questions are tagged with "ABAP Connectivity", but they never seem to be related to that topic. This only leads to unnecessary actions, e.g. people who don't have know-how and cannot contribute anyway, spending time and looking at the questions.
Let me explain, what "ABAP Connectivity" stands for: it is for HTTP and RFC communication mainly between an external program (C/C++, Java, .NET, Python, etc.) and an ABAP system. (But also between two ABAP systems.) Please consider this, before assigning the tag "ABAP Connectivity". This question here also looks like it has nothing to do with Connectivity, so I'm removing the tag for now.
Regards, Ulrich
2023 Jul 09 6:57 PM
2023 Jul 10 8:46 AM
sandra.rossi, thanks for letting me know. Removing those as well...