2011 Aug 02 8:31 AM
Hi all,
I am writing a set of custom transactions and I need to create also a sort of customizing transaction (for making field visible/not visible required ecc). What I would like to know is this: is it possible given a report name the NAME of the dynpro elements? For example, I create a report with a dynpro and in the dynpro there is a text T1 and an input field E1.
How is possible to have the list of name of the dynpro element in the dynpro report T1, E1? not their values...
Thank you
2011 Aug 02 8:40 AM
2011 Aug 02 8:43 AM
Function module RPY_DYNPRO_READ gives you all available information for a dynpro in external format, RPY_DYNPRO_READ_NATIVE in internal format.
2011 Aug 02 9:04 AM