2010 May 27 7:20 PM
Hii together,
I will read an internal table from type bapiret. I will check, if my internal table has error values or info values without to define explicit a structur from type bapiret and check my table step by step with a loop statement.
I don't know if there is a possibility to check an internal table.
Has somebody some advices or experience how to check the values of an internal table without loop?
Thanks and regards,
2010 May 27 7:28 PM
2010 May 28 7:55 AM
'Read Table' is the alternative for loop____endloop , and also Read Table wont check the table step by step....
so u know first how to use read table in the program...
check this links...
2010 May 28 8:18 AM
@ Heilmann and sudeeshboddu
thank you very much for helping, solved !