2008 Mar 25 6:05 AM
I have an object oriented alv which is having 5 rows of data.I have a pushbutton to make any row in editable mode.My requirement is i will select any row in oops alv grid and press
the button to make the row editable.How can i do this in oops alv.
2008 Mar 25 6:16 AM
Please go through this program
this will help you alot.All you need to do is include style structure into your internal table like below.
DATA: BEGIN OF gt_outtab occurs 0. "with header line
include structure sflight.
DATA: celltab type LVC_T_STYL.
DATA: END OF gt_outtab.
*reward points if useful
2008 Mar 25 6:16 AM
Please go through this program
this will help you alot.All you need to do is include style structure into your internal table like below.
DATA: BEGIN OF gt_outtab occurs 0. "with header line
include structure sflight.
DATA: celltab type LVC_T_STYL.
DATA: END OF gt_outtab.
*reward points if useful
2008 Mar 25 6:25 AM
hi alex..
may be it is useful..
follow the below procedure..
1) for selecting rows first in layout structure(LVC_S_LAYO) has SEL_MODE field. for this field u have to pass value as "A".
2)after selecting a rows and then choose push button.. u will follow like in this way...
in PAI event of ur screen and choose that function code of that pudh button..
call the method <ref to CL_GUI_ALV_GRID> -> get_selected_rows importing et_index_rows = <internal table of LVC_T_ROW>.
after that call another mathod
-> set_frontend_fieldcatlog exporting it_fieldcatlog = <internal table of type LVC_T_FCAT>
in this field catlog for that selected rows pass value for editable = 'X'.
if u have any quries regarding OO alv see in SE80 by giving package as SLIS it will give list of examples provided by SAP.
if helpful please rewarded..