2023 Jan 03 5:39 PM
Can Central Results be accessed from managed development system via the SAP GUI as well (not just from Eclipse)?
I'm having trouble viewing them from our development system PST (SAP_BASIS 740 0026 SAPKB74026 SAP Basis Component) using the GUI.
But I can see them from the Central Check system ATD (SAP_BASIS 756 0002 SAPK-75602INSAPBASIS SAP Basis Component).
2023 Jan 10 10:19 AM
No, the functionality to access results in the central check system from a satellite system is only available in ADT.
The "central check runs (by system)" functionality in the GUI browser shown in your screenshot is something different: Here you can see runs for which the current system acted as the central check system, and the "by system" filter filters for different satellite systems.
Unfortunately the established terminology in this area of the ATC is sometimes a bit confusing - "central results for system XYZ" without further qualifiers can refer both to "results from an ATC run for which system XYZ was the central check system and the 'Central check run' flag was set for the run" and "results from a remote ATC run for which system XYZ was the checked system".
2023 Jan 20 11:57 PM
Now that answer is like a legal document! very precise language. Thank you Mr. Jueliger for that additional explanation on the terminology.