2006 Oct 18 1:00 PM
I have two radio buttons in a group and a field that should be mandatory when one (the first one) is checked.
So when the other is checked it should not be mandatory.
The problem is that when I check the second the field is mandatory until I have put something in the field. In that moment, the field is not mandatory. What I want is to make the field not mandatory when the second is checked so the status of the field was changed to not required in that moment not when I put something in it.
Thank you
2006 Oct 18 1:02 PM
Maria ,
did u do the groupings on the radio buttons ..
2006 Oct 18 1:03 PM
2006 Oct 18 1:04 PM
Assign a Function code for that radio button.
In the PAI event,
if sy-ucomm = 'RADI' and r1 = 'X' and field1 is initial.
*Give error message.
2006 Oct 18 1:07 PM
Hi Maria,
I think you have two possibility.
One is to check the "mandatory field" by programming and not with the attribute in the dynpro.
The second way is making a loop at screen in the PBO and depend on with radio button is checked modify the required field of screen table for the field of your interest .
I hope this can help you.
2006 Oct 18 1:14 PM
2006 Oct 18 1:20 PM
Yes, they are grouped. But I have only determined the mandatory field when one is checked not for both.