2005 Oct 04 12:23 AM
I have to Read a file from Application Server and replace the # with NULL Value.
The Input Format: 5#2#0#0#T#E#X#A#S#B#B#B#B#B#B#B#B#B#B#D#I#R#E#C#T.
The expected format is : 5200TEXASBBBBBBBBBBDIRECT.
The output format is a "Fixed Length" TXT File. Here "B" is for Blank Space. Can you please suggest me a Soultion to this? The output file is to be read into an another internal table for further processing. So my objective it only to remove the # with a "No Space or NULL" value.
Can i have the Sample code to solve this issue please?
Thanks fo ryour Help in Advance.
Message was edited by: Kannan SA
Message was edited by: Kannan SA
2005 Oct 04 1:53 AM
I think what you are seeing here is the actual "tabs" in between the fields. The "#" represents a "tab". Check out the following sample program, it will show you how to handle the "tab".
report zrich_0002 .
parameters: d1 type localfile default '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Test.txt'.
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
field1(20) type c,
field2(20) type c,
field3(20) type c,
end of itab.
data: wa type string.
CONSTANTS: con_tab TYPE x VALUE '09'.
* if you have a newer version, then you can use this instead.
* con_tab type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>HORIZONTAL_TAB.
open dataset d1 for input in text mode.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read dataset d1 into wa.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
exit. endif.
* Here you are splitting at the hex value of "tab" not at* the # sign.
split wa at con_tab into itab-field1 itab-field2 itab-field3.
append itab.
close dataset d1.
Rich Heilman
2005 Oct 04 1:53 AM
I think what you are seeing here is the actual "tabs" in between the fields. The "#" represents a "tab". Check out the following sample program, it will show you how to handle the "tab".
report zrich_0002 .
parameters: d1 type localfile default '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Test.txt'.
data: begin of itab occurs 0,
field1(20) type c,
field2(20) type c,
field3(20) type c,
end of itab.
data: wa type string.
CONSTANTS: con_tab TYPE x VALUE '09'.
* if you have a newer version, then you can use this instead.
* con_tab type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>HORIZONTAL_TAB.
open dataset d1 for input in text mode.
if sy-subrc = 0.
read dataset d1 into wa.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
exit. endif.
* Here you are splitting at the hex value of "tab" not at* the # sign.
split wa at con_tab into itab-field1 itab-field2 itab-field3.
append itab.
close dataset d1.
Rich Heilman
2005 Oct 04 2:30 AM
Hi Kannan,
For string operations just try this
data wa type string .
parameter pt(100) default '5#2#0#0#T#E#X#A#S# # #D#I#R#E#C#T' .
move pt to wa .
translate wa using ' B'.
translate wa using '# '.
clear pt.
move wa to pt.
condense pt no-gaps..
write 😕 pt.
( I have asumed that you file will have spaces instead of "B" . If not then you need not use the "translate wa using ' B'." statement.
Dont forget to reward if answers were helpful.
2005 Oct 05 1:24 AM
My Input Data is: '5#2#0#0#T#E#X#A#S# # # # # # # # # # #D#I#R#E#C#T'.
Expected Output is :'5200TEXASBBBBBBBBBDIRECT'
It is a fixed length file. When data is not there, it needs to be of blank space for the relevant length. My requirement is only to replace # with a null value. I.e, the # needs to be removed when they appear betweeen digits. But when they appear between blank space, then delete the # and maintain the actual blank space. B-> Blank Space. I hope i made my objective clear. Please give me your suggestion.
Thanks in Advance
Message was edited by: Kannan SA
2005 Oct 05 3:00 AM
Hi Kannan,
The "B" in outpput confused me. Ok try this.
data wa type string .
parameter pt(100) default '5#2#0#0#T#E#X#A#S# # # # # # # # # # #D#I#R#E#C#T' .
move pt to wa .
translate wa using ' &'.
translate wa using '# '.
clear pt.
move wa to pt.
condense pt no-gaps.
translate pt using '& '.
write 😕 pt.
( Instead of "&" you can use any character which is not expected in the input files ).
2005 Oct 05 7:42 AM
Hi, try that:
DATA trhex(4) TYPE x VALUE '0020'.
read dataset file into wa.
regards Andreas
2005 Oct 05 8:01 AM
I suppose that your file is in UTF-16 format. Am I right ?
2005 Oct 18 1:36 AM
The File in Application Server is of code page 4103. This has to be read in to an Internal table for further processing. This file has # which is not a field seperator.
Message was edited by: Kannan SA
2005 Oct 18 1:48 AM
This is a file created by the Payment Mediaum program. File is in the Application Server. Format Code Page:4103. This File from Application server to be read into an Internal Table for Further processing before it is send to Banks for payments.