2023 Oct 12 12:03 AM
I am trying to create entity with association vbak and vbap.
define view entity z_association as select from vbak
association[0..*] to vbap as _item
on $projection.vbeln = _item.vbeln
association[1] to kna1 as _customer
on vbak.kunnr = _customer.kunnr
key vbeln,
} where _item.matnr = 'C101'
I'm getting error "To many" associations (cardinality [n..*]) are not allowed here
SAP also given in help
If I change [0..1] then I am getting warning "Cardinality 1 of Association _ITEM does not match to the ON-condition"
Why this contradiction and what is the solution please.
2023 Nov 21 8:51 AM
Try editing your question and this time use the CODE button in the editor to put your code in. Then it is readable.