2023 Nov 07 1:58 PM
Our sap-systems have recently been upgraded to version 7.52 SP12.
This gives unwanted behavior of the quick assist in eclipse ADT.
The shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F1 does no longer open a pop-up with suggestions, but opens a separate view. This view is only visible when you are not in the maximized view of the editor view. Neither can you choose a suggestion via the arrow buttons, but you have to double click one of the suggestions in the view.
Another thing I noticed is that, when adding or removing importing or returning parameters for a method definition, the quick assist does no longer propose the adding of the new parameters to the abap doc documentation, or the removing of no longer needed parameters.
Is there a work around or a solution for these issues ?
Friendly regards
2023 Nov 08 8:22 AM
Dear koen.boutsen
we kindly ask you to create a customer ticket using component BC-DWB-AIE-REF
Kind regards
2023 Nov 08 8:33 AM
Hello, koen.boutsen
on Mac I'm using Cmd + 1 to open Quick Assist popup and Cmd + Shift + 1 to open the Quick Assist view.
You could try to use Ctrl + 1 or Ctrl + F1 on Windows.
Best Regards
-- Reinhold
2023 Nov 08 9:28 AM
Hello Reinhold
I wrote F1 in my forum post, but I meant 1. My mistake.
Your shortcuts are working on Windows as well. Thank you for that.
In previous versions, I always got the pop-up when using Ctrl + Shift + 1, but that has changed apparently.
Thank you