2023 May 24 7:52 AM
I have the following query which works.
SELECT T1.[DocNum] AS 'Document Number',
T1.[DocDate] AS 'Posting Date',
T1.[Filler] AS 'Base Stock',
T0.[ItemCode] AS 'Item No.',
T0.[Quantity] AS 'Quantity',
T0.[WhsCode] AS 'Destination Stock',
T0.[Dscription] AS 'Item/Service Description',
T1.[Comments] AS 'Comments
FROM [dbo].[WTR1] T0 INNER JOIN [dbo].[OWTR] T1 ON T1.[DocEntry] = T0.[DocEntry] WHERE T1.[DocDate] >= (CONVERT(DATETIME, '20230101', 112) ) AND T1.[Filler] = (11 )
The additional requirement is:
Compare T1.Comments from WTR with U_STN_GUID from RDR
If they are equal output T1.DocNum from RDR
I have tried the following formula which does not work:
SELECT T1.[DocNum] AS 'Document Number',
T1.[DocDate] AS 'Posting Date' FROM [dbo].[RDR1] T0 INNER JOIN [dbo].[ORDR] T1 ON T1.[U_STN_GUID] = T1.[Comments] FROM [dbo].[WTR1] T0 INNER JOIN [dbo].[OWTR]
It is best to build this requirement into the existing formula.
Thanks for your help