2007 Dec 12 12:50 PM
In LSMW, how do to convert dd/mm/yyyy format in flat file to SAP date format..?
2007 Dec 13 11:29 AM
use the same format 23.03.1979 like that no need to convert
step : process one transaction manually and find how the system is accpeting the dat.
then accordingly give the input in flat file.
why date is required are you doing any transaction through LSMW???
2007 Dec 13 11:29 AM
use the same format 23.03.1979 like that no need to convert
step : process one transaction manually and find how the system is accpeting the dat.
then accordingly give the input in flat file.
why date is required are you doing any transaction through LSMW???
2007 Dec 14 4:48 AM
I am migrating date from flat file to SAP ..
in my flat file dte is in yyyy/mm/dd format.
But in my database table it is in dd/mm/yyyy format.
wat conversion rule to be given in LSMW..?
2007 Dec 15 5:57 AM
Is it not possible to change the format in the flat file itself instead of doing it through a routine / workaround ?
My 0.02.
P.S Moving it to the ABAp forums for more relevant answers.
2007 Dec 15 6:00 AM
hi Ramya
During loding data,, the main thing u need to take care is the settings in ur system.. or ur user settings of the date... first check those settings.
2007 Dec 15 6:57 AM
In LSMW 5th Step, we have to write a conversion rule for date format like <b>'DD/MM/YYYY'.</b>
Take date variable and use offset operation and then concatenate.