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Query for display total price by bp currency and local currency (MYR)

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  • SAP Managed Tags:

SC = USD , Local Currency = MYR

our DocTotal currency follow BPCurrency.

I want to display Total Price divide two column. Can help me how to the query?

Original = The DocTotal

Local = If the DocCur <> 'MYR' , need to calculate DocRate * DocTotal

SELECT T6.[descript]'Area',T4.[SlpName]'Salesman', T0.[DocDate]'Date',T2.[SeriesName]'Doc Type', T0.[DocNum]'Doc No.', T0.[DocStatus], T0.[CardName], T7.[ItemCode], T7.[ItemName], T1.[Quantity],T10.[UomCode], T0.[DocCur], ( T1.[Price]*T1.[Quantity])'Total Price'

FROM ORDR T0 INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry]

INNER JOIN NNM1 T2 ON T0.[Series] = T2.[Series]

INNER JOIN OCTG T3 ON T0.[GroupNum] = T3.[GroupNum]

INNER JOIN OSLP T4 ON T0.[SlpCode] = T4.[SlpCode]

INNER JOIN OCRD T5 ON T0.[CardCode] = T5.[CardCode]

INNER JOIN OTER T6 ON T5.[Territory] = T6.[territryID]

INNER JOIN OITM T7 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T7.[ItemCode]

INNER JOIN OITB T8 ON T7.[ItmsGrpCod] = T8.[ItmsGrpCod]

INNER JOIN OCRG T9 ON T5.[GroupCode] = T9.[GroupCode]

INNER JOIN OUOM T10 ON T7.[PUoMEntry] = T10.[UomEntry]