2023 Jun 22 10:41 AM
Hi All,
In my custom report I have available stock as below.
now box quantity for this material is 180 (maintained in custom table). and no of box is entered by user in input screen as 5. so total quantity to to be transferred will be 180*5 = 900. In above quantity for different batches is different so 900 quantity should be transferred according to batch. in my final internal table i want the below calculation:
kindly correct my logic:
DATA: tot_qtytr LIKE ls_mchd-clabs,
* qty(10) TYPE c,
qty1 LIKE ls_mchd-clabs,
qty2 LIKE ls_mchd-clabs,
lv_newgen TYPE string.
LOOP AT lt_mchd INTO ls_mchd.
IF lv_zboxqty < ls_mchd-clabs.
DATA(qty) = ls_mchd-clabs / lv_zboxqty.
qty1 = ls_mchd-clabs.
IF qty1 > lv_zboxqty.
lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1.
gs_zauto-zcount = lv_cnt.
CONCATENATE ls_mchd-charg '-' gs_zauto-zcount INTO lv_newgen.
gs_zauto-zbatch = lv_newgen.
gs_zauto-matnr = p_matnr.
gs_zauto-zqty = lv_zboxqty.
gs_zauto-charg = ls_mchd-charg.
gs_zauto-mandt = sy-mandt.
gs_zauto-zdate = sy-datum.
gs_zauto-ztime = sy-timlo.
gs_zauto-zusername = sy-uname.
APPEND gs_zauto TO gt_zauto.
CLEAR: gs_zauto.
qty1 = qty1 - lv_zboxqty.
qty2 = qty2 + lv_zboxqty.
lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1.
gs_zauto-zcount = lv_cnt.
CONCATENATE ls_mchd-charg '-' gs_zauto-zcount INTO lv_newgen.
gs_zauto-zbatch = lv_newgen.
gs_zauto-matnr = p_matnr.
gs_zauto-zqty = qty1.
gs_zauto-charg = ls_mchd-charg.
gs_zauto-mandt = sy-mandt.
gs_zauto-zdate = sy-datum.
gs_zauto-ztime = sy-timlo.
gs_zauto-zusername = sy-uname.
APPEND gs_zauto TO gt_zauto.
CLEAR: gs_zauto.
qty2 = qty2 + qty1.
qty1 = qty1 - qty1.
IF qty1 = 0.