2010 Dec 01 12:09 PM
Hi Experts ,
I got a problem want to share with you .
We have a Custom Y-table which have 11 fields including the below mentioned 5 fields
Feild date element Refrence tab reference Feild
This table gets populated with data from a custom Y-program .
Upto this it is fine .user wants to export the data in microsoft excel from se16 .if they choose option (1) Local file->spread sheet->download it is donloaded fine , no issue but if they choose (2)spreadsheet ->Excel(in MHTML format) then short dump is coming
Error analysis
You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol
(data segment 32781).
This error may occur if
- You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with
- You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an
internal table that was deleted
- You address a field symbol that was previously reset using
UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no
longer exists
- You address a global function interface, although the
respective function module is not active - that is, is
not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls
can be taken from this short dump.
When I started analysing the dump I choosed to download the table contents witout these 5 fields and it downloaded
sucessfully . I changed the reference feild as 'MEINS' and inserted a new field 'MEINS' in table as there was no unit field in table . Now it is working and downloading sucessfully . But appneding a new field can affect some programs . So I want to solve it without insert/ delete any feild.
I am expecting Expert's Comment and helpful advice .
2010 Dec 01 12:33 PM
If there are any Currency and Quantity fields in the table then there should be fields for currency key and unit of measure respectively.
When you download the table entries to excel the standard report is looking for unit of measure field for quantity field in your case, it seems your table dont have unit of measure field and the field is not assigned to field symbol.
Each quantity field is assigned a field containing a unit of measure in your case you have to change your table design...
2010 Dec 01 12:33 PM
If there are any Currency and Quantity fields in the table then there should be fields for currency key and unit of measure respectively.
When you download the table entries to excel the standard report is looking for unit of measure field for quantity field in your case, it seems your table dont have unit of measure field and the field is not assigned to field symbol.
Each quantity field is assigned a field containing a unit of measure in your case you have to change your table design...
2010 Dec 01 12:39 PM
Hi Praveen ,
Yes I guessed that and inserted a new unit field(MEINS) . Acoordingly Now it is working succesfully . I only scared of one point and that is where ever this table is used , I have to change or modify there .
So I just wanted to know any other way to sort out this problem . But it seems no other way .
Thanks again .
2010 Dec 01 12:41 PM
2011 Dec 01 5:50 AM
I was assigned to check/investigate the same error but this was using a standard transaction code MRBR. Upon using Export function to Spreadsheet, Runtime Error GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED encountered.
I saw and applied this OSS Note 1275534 - WD ABAP ALV Short dump when exporting to Excel. Reading though the note, solution can be delivered via support package under SAP_BASIS but since in our case, it is not yet updated, I have tried implementing it. Though it took sometime to download and implement the note via SNOTE, waiting paid off.
The said runtime error was resolved.
Post this in here, just for reference in case some might encounter the same error.