2023 Apr 04 11:22 AM
Hello, I am trying to update the price conditions of a purchase info record via ABAP, for example Amount or Deletion indicator.
I saw that there was the FM ME_UPDATE_INFORECORD_COND but it seems strange to me to just do an update of the EINE table and no return, so I don't think it's correct.
Do you have an FM or class to do this?
Thanks for your help.
2023 Apr 05 9:02 AM
I agree, ME_UPDATE_INFORECORD is an update function module, so basically just a suite of SQL statements not better than direct update with Abap SQL statements and should never be called in a customer development.
SAP has provided a function module ME_INFORECORD_MAINTAIN_MULTI for your requirement.
2023 Apr 07 4:07 PM
If not available, look for ME_INFORECORD_MAINTAIN.
2023 Apr 05 9:47 AM
Hi Raymond, thank for your answer.
Unfortunately this FM is not available in my environment (SAP ECC6 EHP7) , but available in SAP ECC6 EHP8...
It smells of batch-input 🙂
2023 Apr 07 4:09 PM
Do not use answer to answer an answer, the purpose of answer is to propose a solution to the initial question (read the text 'Before answering').