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Public PDF file

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  I like to convert SAPscript to PDF format and publish it real time to Portal, Is there anyone did this already?



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Never done it myself, but if you have the text as OTF there's a CONVERT_OTF function module that can generate PDF out of it.

For further display of the PDF data have a look at Brian McKellers excellent BSP web log about handling generated binary files in web applications.

Depending on your general task you might also have a look at Smart Forms.

kind regards,


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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I have used the CONVERT_OTF before and it works very well.  However if you are trying to convert the document and can't get the OTF data you might look at the following function module: CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. With this function, you only have to supply a spool id number. There is a similar function that you can use if you want to convert ABAP List: CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. Both the CONVERT_OTF and the function I mentioned return the data in table of structure TLINE (2 fields per record - TDFORMAT CHAR2 & TDLINE CHAR 132). This means that you PDF data is actually in Charater format. I have never tried to publish this to the Portal, but I have E-Mailed PDFs. I would imagine you will face a similar challenge in that now you must convert the character based PDF data to binary. The following is a code fragment from a 620 system that converts to the data to a binary table with a line width of 255 characters (this is what the E-mail interface expects). I would imagine it would be simple to convert this example to a produce a byte string instead of a byte table.

  • Cast to binary type and adjust table line length

  data: begin of content_in,

           line type tline,

           dummy type tline,

       end of content_in.

  types pdf_raw type x length 268.

  field-symbols 0.

    append content_out to objbin.


0 Kudos

To get OTF-Data is very simple. In the SAPsript-program you have a pair of two function-modules:

1. OPEN_FROM for starting the SAPscript. In the OPTIONS-parameter set TDGETOTF = 'X'.

2. now the function-module CLOSE_FORM at the end of SAPscript returns the OTFDATA as internal table, but no print-spool (or fax, email, ..) is generated.

regards, Torsten

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I have done this type of development and access the PDF file dynamically generated by the program. Yes, Use smart forms and set the http header name value pair variable to application/PDF. That will do, also in case if you are using https environment delete the cache control parameters in the header.

Hope this works for you.


0 Kudos


Sure this is feasible ... I did it before using an ITS server.  First you need to perform the entry form within the original SAPscript ABAP program. This will create a spool request. You can get the spool request number out of the SYST fields (the exact one I cannot remember for the moment) right after the perform. Then you can use the functions as indicated by the other folks to convert your spool request into binary pdf data. Last step is to send the data towards the browser client with the proper mime field set (application/pdf). There are some standard ITS macro's available for that ... How you achieve this in the portal is depending on the underlying technology (ITS, web as; j2EE ... but all technologies have some kind of HTTP send functionality that can address this concept ) ...



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Thanks for all of your help.

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also look at method DO_REQUEST of class CL_CRM_BSP_ML_PREVIEW (in CRM 4.0) which calls CONVERT_OTF, then shows how to put the resulting xstring variable into the HTTP request.

You may also have to make setting in Adobe. To get Acrobat Reader 6.0 to automatically load with the data, I had to choose edit->preferences, internet preferences, deselect "display pdf in browser".  This information was found under help->online support, which has other advice for other situations.

Active Participant

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Hai Jhon,

You can create background job for your script print program and use standard program RSTXPDFT4.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Write as below ...

*data :          lit_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE. " <-- declaration*

         lit_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.



        format                = 'PDF'

        max_linewidth         = 132


        bin_filesize          = dl_len_in


        otf                   = lit_otf

        lines                 = lit_tline


        err_max_linewidth     = 1

        err_format            = 2

        err_conv_not_possible = 3

        err_bad_otf           = 4

        OTHERS                = 5.

***---Convert 132 to length 255

    LOOP AT lit_tline INTO lwa_tline.

      dl_pos = 255 - dl_len.

      IF dl_pos > 134. "length of pdf_table

        dl_pos = 134.


      lwa_record+dl_len = lwa_tline(dl_pos).

      dl_len = dl_len + dl_pos.

      IF dl_len = 255.

        APPEND lwa_record TO lit_record.

        CLEAR: lit_record, dl_len.

        IF dl_pos < 134.

          lwa_record = lwa_tline+dl_pos.

          dl_len = 134 - dl_pos.




    IF dl_len > 0.

      APPEND lwa_record TO lit_record.


***---Send Mail

    PERFORM send_mail TABLES lit_record.