2007 Aug 03 8:46 AM
Is there a way to programmatically check the existence of objects? The idea is I'll accept a list of names of objects and their object types and then programmatically check their existence in the system?
Can you point me to a resource on how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
2007 Aug 03 8:50 AM
What objects are you referring to? If its the ABAP repository objects that you need, they are all available in tables in the system. TADIR is one such table.
Hope this helps.
2007 Aug 03 8:50 AM
what kind of object you want to know. OBJNR?
Can you give an example?
Regards, Dieter
2007 Aug 07 9:29 AM
All custom objects (z, y) being referred to a program. May it be z or y table, data element, domain, sapscript form, function module/group.
The goal is actually to be able to transport a program from a source machine to a target machine. The objects being referred to from the program must also be transported, of course, for it to run properly. Thus, the need to check the objects' existence.
2007 Aug 03 8:53 AM
2007 Aug 03 8:55 AM
Yes, You can check
Write a small program and write a select statement to the Table <b>TADIR</b>where the Object Type(like PROG,FUNC,TABL etc) and objectname = given name
If sy-subrc = 0. means the object exits in SAP. other wise not.
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