2008 Dec 12 9:26 AM
When transporting change requst from DEV. system to QA system and to productive system it is important that they are imported in the rigth sequence. We all know that.
What i don't understand is that SAP don't supply us with tools to validate that we do it right.
I may be very complex to validate all dependencies like ie. a table depending on data elements and data elements depending on data domains, but normally these dependencies are not very critical - if the table is transported before the data elements, the transport will get some error messages, but when the transport of the data elements is imported it will all automaticall be fixed.
The real problem is when you export a transport to QA, find some errors and fix these in a new transport. In this case it is very important that the transports are imported to the productive system in the same sequence they were released from DEV, and it is in this case I belive that it should be simple to write a program, that before import of a transport check if there is other released transports that is not yet imported and that contains one or more of the same objects.
As far as I know SAP has not made this program?
Has anyone in SDN a solution to share?
best regards
Thomas Madsen Nielsen
2008 Dec 12 9:28 AM
2008 Dec 12 9:28 AM
2008 Dec 12 9:32 AM
It is not that simple, but can be done. Essentially you need to start with a transport request, work through all objects inside, for each object find other requests containing the same object, check the transport status of those request, continue checking the other objects inside those requests, and so on...
A recursive approach that can go down hundreds of levels, but will eventually return with a nice conflict list.
I cannot share code though, since this is owned by my previous client.
2008 Dec 12 10:11 AM
Hi Thomas
Thank you for your reply.
You write
...check the transport status of those request, continue checking the other objects inside those requests, and so on...
but why should I care about those other objects?
If there is no other open transport with the same objects as in my current transport, I have no sequence problem and I am satisfied.
If there is an open transport with one ore more of the objects from my current transport, I have a sequence problem and then I am not satisfied.
best regards
Thomas Madsen Nielsen
2008 Dec 12 12:32 PM
There might be indirect conflicts.
Transport 1: Objects B and C, released from DEV on Dec. 4th, now in QA
Transport 2: Object C, released from DEV on Dec. 9th, now in QA
Transport 3: Objects A and B, released from DEV on Dec. 1st, now in QA
Now transport 2 is requested to be imported into PRD. With your approach you find only transport 1 as conflicting (released earlier, now being overtaken by a later transport reg. object C), whereas I want to see also transport 3 as conflicting (reg. object B), and even better, suggest the correct importing sequence into PRD, which is 3 then 1 then 2 (or all at the same time).