2009 Feb 09 7:04 AM
I am working on a report in which i have to display the quantity difference used in a Production Order i.e. issuance qty and the final qty.
There is a condition that this report should work where Production Order Status is not 'TECO'.But i dont know what tables are used in it . plzz provide me guidelines to solve this problem.
2009 Feb 09 7:09 AM
Status are stored in table JEST, access via object number (AUFK-OBJNR)
Be aware that there is a conversion exit on status code.
(system status are converted using TJ02T, user status are converted using TJ30T)
- TECO (in english) is a system status with an internal code of I0045 "Technically completed"
You will have to select orders where nor record exists with code I0045 /OR/ where the status is disabled (JESt-INACT = 'X')
For other information, look at [SAP Production Planning Table|http://www.sap-img.com/production/sap-production-planning-table.htm]
2009 Feb 09 7:11 AM
You can use SQL Trace to find the tables used with the transaction of the production order....That will give you all the tables used with it... In future also this SQL trace can help you find out many other tables which you are looking for
2009 Feb 09 7:12 AM
2009 Feb 09 7:12 AM
Use the FM STATUS_TEXT_EDIT to get the status of the Prod.Order. IN this you have to pass the OBJNR (Object Number ) of the Prod.Order. This you can get from the header table of the Prod.Order.
2009 Feb 09 7:13 AM
2009 Feb 09 7:19 AM
use table JEST.
Objject key : AUFNR.
you get stastus;
for TECO status code is :I0045
2009 Feb 09 7:24 AM
Are you sure that for TECO status code is : I0045?
2009 Feb 09 8:43 AM
As i already wrote, look at table TJ02T via transaction SE16
- TJ02T-SPRAS = your language code
- TJ02T-TXT04 = 'TECO'
In english TECO is I0045.
Also JEST key is AUFK-OBJNR and not AUFK-AUFNR....