2022 Nov 22 8:42 AM
Hi friends,
I'm using Function Module --> Test --> Test Sequences and I enter the following sequence:
Next I run this sequence with any data and I obtain the following result:
S V4 233 SALES_HEADER_IN has benn processed succesfully
S V4 233 SALES_ITEM_IN has been processed succesfully
W V1 555 The sales document is not yet complet: Edit DATA
E V4 219 Sales document was not changed
However, if I use transaction VA01 to creat this free order is successfully.
What is wrong in my FM?
2022 Nov 23 8:48 AM
Hi chenyuxin,
Did you look for similar topics before asking?
If so did you find the following thread?
BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 not able to ceate Sales Order