2022 Dec 21 11:57 AM
I have a problem downloading attachments (e.g. FB03). Probably this problem is caused by the installation/activation of onedrive. The download folder was changed by the installation of OneDrive. Now the file name became too long and the path cannot be interpreted by SAP.
First I have adjusted the path manually in the TA SO21 but this did not change the problem.
Then I implemented the SAP note 2450698 - How to change default downloaddirectory from SAP GUI which also included an adjustment of the path in the registry editor but in a different directory than the SO21 does.
I also have tried GR8/GR8 with a Path in Parameters
Unfortunately, the problem persists. Can anyone help?
2022 Dec 22 7:21 AM
the problem could be solved with the SAP OSS NOte 2450698 - How to change default downloaddirectory from SAP GUI. However, it is important that you do not create a new key as the OSS note initially suggests, but create a new entry. And it is also important not to append a backslash to the path.
2022 Dec 21 3:14 PM
As a workaround, what about using "This PC" > "Map Network Drive" from your laptop, to map any folder (OneDrive or whatever) to "Z" or whatever?
2022 Dec 22 7:21 AM
the problem could be solved with the SAP OSS NOte 2450698 - How to change default downloaddirectory from SAP GUI. However, it is important that you do not create a new key as the OSS note initially suggests, but create a new entry. And it is also important not to append a backslash to the path.