2010 Oct 06 6:52 AM
We are processing large amount of data around 25K records(fetching some 10 infotypes data for each employee) so I am implementing parallel processing to avoid TIME_OUT issue and here is the code
call function 'SPBT_INITIALIZE'
free_pbt_wps = lv_free_threads
invalid_group_name = 1
internal_error = 2
pbt_env_already_initialized = 3
currently_no_resources_avail = 4
no_pbt_resources_found = 5
cant_init_different_pbt_groups = 6
others = 7.
if sy-subrc <> 0. "#EC NEEDED
*** Issue error message
* Calculate how many sessions we'd like to run in parallel
*** Determine no of Free threads to be used. Based on % of available
lv_thread_count = lv_free_threads * lc_per / 100 .
lv_thread = 0.
gv_active_threads = 0.
loop at pernr_tab into ls_pernr_tab .
loop_index = sy-tabix.
move ls_pernr_tab to ls_pernr_data.
append ls_pernr_data to lt_pernr_data.
clear ls_pernr_data.
modulo = loop_index mod 4000 .
delta_change_count = total_count - loop_index.
if modulo eq 0 or delta_change_count eq 0.
add 1 to gv_active_threads.
if gv_active_threads <= lv_thread_count.
add 1 to lv_thread.
call function 'ZDATA_PI_MDM' starting new task lv_thread
destination in group default
performing set_session_done on end of task
last_run_date = last_run_date
lt_pernr_data = lt_pernr_data.
* wait until session = 'X'.
if sy-subrc <> 0. "#EC *
subtract 1 from gv_active_threads.
wait until session = 'X'.
append lines of emp_data to lt_emp_data.
total_deleted = total_deleted + deleted_records.
****** collect the data
clear: lt_pernr_data[],emp_data[],session,deleted_records.
clear ls_pernr_tab.
I am calculating the number of free threads and within IF condition if gv_active_threads <= lv_thread_count. I am splitting the records into 4K each and calling the FM but the problem is if number of free threads are let's say 6 and if have 25k records only the first 24k records are processed and skipping the last 1k records(6*4k).
So how do I handle this situation.If some records are skipped how do I make sure I wait for some work process to become free and process the remaining data
Bala Duvvuri
2010 Oct 06 8:02 PM
You should use a dynamic calculation to know how many threads your process each time.
Lets see 2 examples.
25000 threads / 4000 = 6,25. You look if the division has a "," "." in the result if yes then:
Then 0,25 * 4000 = 1000. So you will split the records 6 times each one of 4K and 1 time of 1k.
11233 threads / 4000 = 2,80825
0,80825 * 4000 = 3233.
So you will split it in 3 times 2 of each of 4k and 1 of the rest.
My advice is to calculate everything before start the loop and keep all the records in a table, so every loop you know how many threads you have to execute because will be on the table.
Regards, Hope it helps
2010 Oct 07 5:06 AM
My problem is initially i am getting number of free workprocesses and based on the count,for each work process i am processing 4k but by the time I execute some 16k records number of free work processes are becoming 0 but still I need to process some more records,how do i procees the remaining records.
Once number of free work processes becomes zero after executing some records,can I again get the number of free work processes at that time and process the remaning records like as mentioned below
loop at pernr_tab into ls_pernr_tab .
loop_index = sy-tabix.
move ls_pernr_tab to ls_pernr_data.
append ls_pernr_data to lt_pernr_data.
clear ls_pernr_data.
modulo = loop_index mod 4000 .
delta_change_count = total_count - loop_index.
if modulo eq 0 or delta_change_count eq 0.
add 1 to gv_active_threads.
if gv_active_threads <= lv_thread_count.
add 1 to lv_thread.
call function 'ZDATA_PI_MDM' starting new task lv_thread
destination in group default
performing set_session_done on end of task
last_run_date = last_run_date
lt_pernr_data = lt_pernr_data.
* wait until session = 'X'.
if sy-subrc <> 0. "#EC *
subtract 1 from gv_active_threads.
wait until session = 'X'.
append lines of emp_data to lt_emp_data.
total_deleted = total_deleted + deleted_records.
****** collect the data
clear: lt_pernr_data[],emp_data[],session,deleted_records.
else. " free work processes become zero so again get the free work processes and process the remaining records
clear ls_pernr_tab.
Bala Duvvuri
2010 Oct 07 5:18 AM
Hi Bala,
The last remaining records were not executed because it does not satisfy the if condition if modulo eq 0 or delta_change_count eq 0. You can call one last parallel process before clear ls_pernr_tab. but be sure to verify that the table has entries in it.
2010 Oct 07 5:48 AM
I am not able to understand
The last remaining records were not executed because it does not satisfy the if condition if modulo eq 0 or delta_change_count eq 0.
I am getting the loop index and finding the modulo and delta_change_count.for each 4000 records modulo will be 0 and if i have 10000 records and for the 10000th iteration delta_change_count will be 0 so it will go inside the if loop right
loop at pernr_tab into ls_pernr_tab .
loop_index = sy-tabix.
move ls_pernr_tab to ls_pernr_data.
append ls_pernr_data to lt_pernr_data.
clear ls_pernr_data.
modulo = loop_index mod 4000 .
delta_change_count = total_count - loop_index.
if modulo eq 0 or delta_change_count eq 0.
Bala Duvvuri