2007 Jul 17 4:31 AM
Hi friends,
I have problem with my User Id in development client., When ever I key in the T code SE80 it kills all my sessions. When I reported to my basis consultant he says 'Sorry I dont know how to help you' because no one had such problem.
Any one of you had like this problem with the user id, Please suggest me how to solve my user id problem.
2007 Jul 17 4:39 AM
Had a similar problem at one time - something to do with the default object / view SE80 was opening no longer existing.
To fix, I opened a program in SE38 in change mode and then switched to the SE80 style view by clicking the "Display Object List" button. Then navigate to another object / view using the object selection in the left hand repository browser window. Then exit SE38 and try SE80 again - this fixed my issue.
2007 Jul 17 4:39 AM
Had a similar problem at one time - something to do with the default object / view SE80 was opening no longer existing.
To fix, I opened a program in SE38 in change mode and then switched to the SE80 style view by clicking the "Display Object List" button. Then navigate to another object / view using the object selection in the left hand repository browser window. Then exit SE38 and try SE80 again - this fixed my issue.
2007 Jul 17 4:52 AM
Hi Andrew,
I solved my SE80 problem but can you tell me why it happens like that.
2007 Jul 17 4:40 AM
Does it happen from all machines accessing the server or only a single machine ?
if it is a single machine then try reinstalling the SAP gui
Also try accessing different servers if possible from the same machine to try and isolate the problem
2007 Jul 17 4:46 AM
No It happens to all the machine with SE80 and only with my user id.
2007 Jul 17 5:57 AM
Sorry - I have no real idea about the cause - I assume it is because some SAP table used to store your current settings such as the last object being edited is being corrupted in some way. I think I got the problem when working on an object in multiple sessions.