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Problem with user-exit EXIT_SAPLCOIH_009

Former Member
0 Kudos


That user-exit allows to check inputs (e.g. correct dates, etc.) for orders.

I have the following problem:

Orders can be booked via account assignments on several other orders.

I need to check that orders from order-class EINV are only booked on orders with order-class 1003.

caufvd_imp doesn't provide this information, and yet I didn't find another user-exit or function-block to get it, although it must be saved in runtime some way!

The account assignments are maintained in a separate screen, but saved with the order-maintain.

Therefor inputs should be checked here as well, should they?

Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Sven Sondag


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sven,

If you want to get data from outside the user exit (i.e. from the main program) please see the following blog.




0 Kudos

Hi Vinod,

that's been a really good hint!

I tried to include following structure:

CONSTANTS: c_dkobr(15) type c value '(SAPLKOBS)DKOBR'.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_dkobr> type dkobr.

ASSIGN (c_dkobr) to <fs_dkobr>.

v_aufnr = <fs_dkobr>-empge.

The subscreen I mentioned (to maintain the account assignment) is SAPLKOBS, the structure is DKOBR and the field is EMPGE.

Unfortunately there are still 3 mistakes:

1. I need a table as a return, because within the subscreen several account assignments can be made.

2. The structure I get back is empty.

3. The field-symbol is only assigned, if at least on of the entries in the account assignment is changed. Saving without changing one of these entries returns an error.

I hope, one of you can help me.

Thanks in advance



0 Kudos

Hi Sven,

If you are looking for accessing internal table, you can find the code in the weblog itself. Here is it.

Data declarations

CONSTANTS: c_xvbap(17) type c value '(SAPMV45A)XVBAP[]'.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_xvbap> type standard table of vbap.

  • Now we assign the field symbol to point to the

  • XVBAP structure which is in SAPMV45A

ASSIGN (c_xvbap) to <fs_xvbap>.

If the structure you are getting is empty, can you check the value before coming to the user exit in debug mode.



Message was edited by: Vinod C

0 Kudos

Hi Vinod.

Unfortunately I can't create an internal table from the structure.

As well, there's still no data in it, so we decided to wait with the implementation of that issue.

Thanks anyway!

