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0 Kudos

Hi experts,

I want to create a MVC Framework for Reports.

This means that reading and writing of the data on the dynpro-screen should be controlled via a global controller class. For this I use the FM DYNP_UPDATE_FIELDS and DYNP_VALUES_READ within the class. That works generally well. The FM’s are called during ucomm processing in the PAI.

Now I have the following problem: The dynpro with data that I read from the DB is initially to be called from the selection screen. Since the FM DYNP_UPDATE_FIELDS only works for the current Dynpro Number, which is still 1000 (selection screen) in the PAI at this time, I wanted to call the FM in the PBO. Apparently, the FM does not work in the PBO!? Unfortunately, I have not found any information on this.

Oh, one more Info: I don’t want to update the dynpro-fields hard coded in PBO like global_structure = go_ctrl->get_data( ).

My questions:

  • Is there a possibility to use the FM DYNP_UPDATE_FIELDS in the PBO?
  • Is there an alternative FM? DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE probably doesn't work here either.
  • Is there another way of setting the data on the screen via a controller class?

Any help is very welcome!

Thanks and regards,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

DYNP_VALUES_READ and DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE are meant for help and value requests (POH/POV).

For PBO/PAI use the global variables (or "persistent" object attributes) linked to dynpro fields.

0 Kudos

Hi Sandra! Thanks for your quick answer.

But this is exactly what I don't want, as I want to build a Framework where only the Controller-Class stores and updates the data for all ALVs and Dynpro-Fields. If I cannot trigger dynpro-data read and update within the Controller, than I cannot implement a MVC Concept :(.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You may at least use the "dirty assign" instead, in read/write:

ASSIGN ('(programname)globalvariablename') TO <field>.

0 Kudos

I would use this Option (even if it's dirty), but I need the data directly from the dynpro and not from the global variables. I'll make an example why (makes it easier to explain):

A user enters a value in a dynpro-fields, presses tab-key (unfortunately doesn't trigger anything), Cursor jumps into ALV Table, user enters a value in ALV Table and presses tab-key. Now, a roundtrip is triggered. The Problem is now, that the global variable in the report hasn't been updated until now. When I need this value for e.g. a db-select, how can I get it?
I tried triggering a roundtrip via cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code, but this worked just once during a roundtrip from ALV Table. I would need this twice - one for reading dynpro-data and one for updating them after ALV-event-handling.

I'm really wondering how other developers solved this Problem!? Any Ideas? A User Manual with a highlighted Warning: Please press enter after entering a value into the dynpro-field would be a bankruptcy by SAP.