2007 Dec 14 9:28 AM
HI Experts.
I am being assigned a task to add additional attributes to a already developed program extracting certain attributes and dumping them on a file on Application Server.
I was able to extract the additional attributes but when I transfer them at the end of file; the attributes are not seen in the file.
But if I add these same attributes to the start of the file I get these attributes in the output file.
Can anyone guide me whether there is any Line Size restriction for the output file.
I have opened file in Text Mode.
Kindly reply ASAP.
2007 Dec 14 9:35 AM
u can view only upto 255 cahacters on application server if u use AL11 tcode. But really those records would be present in the file.
Hope that helps
2007 Dec 14 9:35 AM
u can view only upto 255 cahacters on application server if u use AL11 tcode. But really those records would be present in the file.
Hope that helps
2007 Dec 14 9:47 AM
Hi Sreejith,
Thanks a lot for your prompt response.
If that is the case then how would I ensure that the new attributes are part of the output file.
Is there any other way to look at contents greater than 255 charactres.
Or do we need OS level access to physically check the file on the server.
2007 Dec 14 11:04 AM
try out in debugging before TRANSFER command on your data set whether it s getting the full length of records or not.
U can download the file using Tcode CG3Y, but i think that too will truncate the length to 255 characters.
2007 Dec 14 11:06 AM
Probably you can get FTP access to those server paths and try out using any FTP program by downloading the file.
Hope that helps
2008 Jan 29 6:43 AM
The problem that I was facing using transaction AL11 was that the contents of lines having width greater than 255 characters could not be seen.
The solution to this problem is to download file using Transaction CG3Y and check the contents.
Alternately you can also verify your contents before TRANSFER in debugging mode.