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Problem with CUA

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Team,

we implemented CUA in our CRM system such as NCSCLNT300 was made as CUA and NCSCLNT200 as child system.

CUA works well in most cases except for the below issue.

1. For some roles available in client NCSCLNT200, when we try to add it to a user in CUA, system throws a error 'The central system does not have any information about the existence of role SAP_CRM_COMPETITOR in child system NCSCLNT200'

we have performed a text comparison but it didn't help. Thanks to help.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Are you trying to text compare SAP delivered role?

I dont have a CUA ( ALL GRC !) in my landscape . I dont remember if a non generated role can be text compared between CUA and child client.

why dont you copy it to a Z- Role generate it and then do the text compare and check out.

Does this happen for only for this one role?

0 Kudos

Dear Franklin,

I tried successfully for some Z* roles and other SAP roles. I just came across this one role that is creating a problem and want to make sure this doesn't happen for Z* roles in future.

Moreover I had generated this SAP role before adding but this facing problem.

0 Kudos

Can you please copy this role with another name and try it to see if it works?

that may help us understand the problem. If everyother role worked I am 100% sure that this other role also has to work, I assume you are doing text compare for the correct client ( child system )?

Active Contributor
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check section Performing a Text Comparison with Target System Specification in [CUA cookbook|].


Former Member
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I check the CUA book. I couldn't get any useful results from that. Text comparison is working fine and all basic test are positive.

0 Kudos


if the text comparison does not work, there are only 2 possible causes:

1. the logical system name of the child system is not defined correctly (review table t000!)

2. the rfc-connection from child to central system is not configured correctly.

In most cases cause 1 is applicable. the fact, that you think that the text comparison works perfectly for other roles could be also that you have another system in the landscape with the same logical system name containing that same roles.

Simple test: create a role form scratch in child and trigger the text comparison direktly in pfcg of the child system.

Is the role thena available in the central system?

An indication for cause 2 would also be no confirmed status in SCUL.

b.rgds, Bernhard