2017 Nov 15 8:58 AM
I am trying to post S1 document using BAPI BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST .
i am able to post S1 document with GST & SGST i.e 9%+ 9% as manually i am passing amount at respective line item .
My Problem is : I want to Pass hsn_sac code to be updated in Bseg table so i am using BADI "BADI_ACC_DOCUMENT" .now HSN_SAC code gets updated by my below logic ,
but when i check Lineitem in bseg after s1 document is posted HSN_SAC gets updated but at the same time BUZID ,MWART also gets updated with value 'T' & 'V' respectively . which actually should not get updated as that line is not Tax line entry .
it is base amount entry for Vendor . Professional fees .
if i comment code "Wa_accit-taxit = 'X' " then my HSN_SAC also does not gets updated .
how to avoid update in BUZID & mwart field in bseg .
Example .
My code in BADI is :
if sy-tcode ='ZF130'.
READTABLE c_extension2 INTO wa_extension WITHKEY VALUEPART1 = '0000000002'.
IF wa_extension-valuepart2 ='40'.
LOOPAT c_accit INTO wa_accit WHERE POSNR ='0000000002'.
wa_accit-taxit ='X'.
wa_accit-HSN_SAC = wa_extension-valuepart3."
"This is HSN_CODE i want to update
MODIFY c_accit FROM wa_accit TRANSPORTING taxit hsn_sac.endloop.
Need Help in this Case
Deepak Dhamat