2015 Aug 31 4:37 PM
We are implementing CCLM on Solman SP13.
We followed the configuration guide, all extractors are working fine and we do not have any authorization issues.
When we launch transaction "CCLM", we do not have any data on the "overview" part.
All other parts (library, decommissioning...) are showing data correctly.
We are using IE 10 or 11 and we also tried with chrome and firefox but the issue remains.
Do you have any idea where this problem could come from?
Thanks for your help!
Louise Bariohay.
2015 Sep 28 2:18 PM
Hello All,
Thanks for your help.
Finally the issue is resolved. It was due to SICF activation.
We repeated step 5.5 Configure Gateway in System Preparation and activated all gateway services: 3 were missing: SERVICE_GDAPI, TECHMON and WS_HISTOGRAM.
After this action, city model is correclty visible.
2015 Aug 31 4:59 PM
Waiting for a SP13 specialist you can check:
1. execute ABAP report AGS_CC_INFRASTRUC_CHECK - and verify the results
2. verify the configuration table AGS_CC_CUSTOM (Library* keys )
3. SOLMAN_SETUP -> CCM -> Verify if all the steps were correctly performed
4. EFWK working (extractors active and running)
But , I'm under the impression that all that was already verified by you in your system..
The transaction CCLM is executing the ABAP RAGS_CCLM_LIBRARY - there the Dev team can Debug or trace for errors
- a quick check will be on CCLM - Library and Objects : to see if the Library is there and if you have Objects...
Tables AGS_CC_ATTRIB and AGS_CC_LIBRARY not empty ...
- in a previous SM 7.10 version - your user date format was often the cause of display errors (but it was already solved by OSS note) - it will cost you few seconds just to modify it as standard and retry;
2015 Aug 31 5:02 PM
ABAP Report RAGS_CC_REPORTING will give you a simple ABAP list (non graphical) with the CCLM content;
Use it and maybe you'll find some answers...
2015 Sep 02 10:27 AM
Hello Sorin,
Thanks for your help.
I checked all activities you mentionned but still having the issue.
The first report shows that all activities were correctly performed, except or ATC extractors which cannot be running on the system. But I don't think this is the root cause.
Below is the table AGS_CC_CUSTOM:
*EFWK* jobs are running on the Solution Manager system. Corresponding extractors are active.
On CCLM transaction library is active and is there, plus I have objects (tables AGS_CC_ATTRIB and AGS_CC_LIBRARY are not empty).
Can you please tell me which SAP Note was solving the issue about date format?
If you have any other ideas they are more than welcome
2015 Sep 02 5:39 PM
could you please also Check the job Logs of Step 7.2?
thanks and best regards,
2015 Sep 03 9:12 AM
Hello Sylke,
Please find below the job logs of step 7.2 of CCM.
Everything seems OK to me.
Thanks for your help!
2015 Sep 03 4:35 PM
Not going to change your life, but for the sake of correctness: your system PRO should be :
"Lead" or "Local" - in your picture - no checkbox is active;
To do that: go in Edit mode - and select "Maintain Lead" or " Local" - in your case at least "local" because is a productive system - read the explanations on the white portion of the screen (scroll down);
But IMHO, the 7.1 is more important if you can check or provide - there is the Library definition with the check boxes for Extractors: you said that the extractors are active, is the Library also (Green) ? You can "Initialize Library" too... if active - it will do nothing; If missing attributes - the job will add them in the lib.definition;
Here's my 7.1 example:
Nevertheless - I hope you opened already an OSS incident for SAP support to log in to help you out, right?
Like I said before: if no quick solution: only Dev debug or OSS incident can determine the real cause..
2015 Sep 04 10:45 AM
Hi Louise, could you please check the following: 1. push the jobname itself to the the logs in SM37 in solman (cross check with my attachment, is it the same?). At least the objects job and the last usage (LUSG) job should be checked. 2. if fine, lets go to the EFWK itself to check if the CCLM and City extractor were running AFTER the jobs were finished. 3. If this is fine you should already see data regarding custom code and usage in the city model 4. If 1 and 2 are ok and you see NO data in the city then check via transaction LISTCUBE if you really have data in cube 0SM_CCLM and 0SM_CCITY for your system. To check it in RSA1 is not sufficient - here you only see if there were data extractacted from any system. Thanks and best regards, Sylke
P.S.: Message would be the best to check if the extractor / query / job works as designed in case my recs are not helpful ....
2015 Sep 11 4:00 PM
Hello Sorin,
Thanks for your help. I made the modification you suggested and yes library is active.
SAP answered to my OSS message as ICF service "AGS_CC_ODATA_CITY" was not atictaved so I activated it but it did not solve the problem.
I am still waiting for SAP...
Thanks and Regards
2015 Sep 11 4:23 PM
Hello Sylke,
Thanks for your help!
I check the jobs as you suggested. See logs below. I also checked CCLM and city extractors (logs below) and they runned after the job finished.
But I still not see any data in "Overview" screen of CCLM.
So I checked in transaction LISTCUBE. See below logs, as it seems to have data in both cubes.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions, they are more than welcome
In the meantime, I will wait for SAP answer.
Thanks and Regards
Louise B.
2015 Sep 11 4:36 PM
Hi, regarding the first error for the last usage collector please implement SAP note 2170844.
Please also check whether note 2176776 was implemented.
If this note is not valid or not helpful for your release this issue has to be checked within your message.
Thanks and best regards, Sylke
2015 Sep 11 4:49 PM
Hello Sylke,
I followed the KBA you mentionned and activated the queries.
Still no data in city model of CCLM
Thanks and Regards
Louise B.
2015 Sep 16 11:36 AM
Hi Louise
If you have the data in the City Model cube perhaps it is the gateway aspect that is causing issues. Have you checked the config on page 65 of the Work with CCLM in Solution Manager SP12 doc?
Work with CCLM in Solution Manager SP12 | SCN
Q: City model does not show any data what do I have to do?
A: Please check if the extractor for the „city model“ has already successfully collect data.
If yes and the data will not be presented in the city model please implement note
Alternatively you can manually execute the following steps:
1. Start customizing of Solution Manager
2. Select SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide ->SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide -> SAP Netweaver -> Gateway -> Odata Channel ->
Administration -> General Settings -> Activate and Maintain Services
3. Select service "AGS_CC_ODATA_CITY" and remove system alias "LOCAL" and
replace it with "LOCAL _SM"
2015 Sep 17 1:35 PM
Hello Louise,
1. I've noticed that your CITY model is executed in FR - you can try to logon in EN and re-execute?
2. On the right-top side of the screen is the "Systems" context/Area; There you were supposed to have at list (with check-boxes) of available systems
Please check the tables: AGS_CCD_LIBRARY, AGS_CC_CITY_SYS
3. Another possible solution is the security: I had few days ago a very similar case , when the user had no sufficient right (enough to call the city model, but not enough to display the data);
Unfortunately , I cannot specify which specific role or auth.obj were missing;
Please, re-assess your security roles attached to the user used to call the city_model...
2015 Sep 28 2:18 PM
Hello All,
Thanks for your help.
Finally the issue is resolved. It was due to SICF activation.
We repeated step 5.5 Configure Gateway in System Preparation and activated all gateway services: 3 were missing: SERVICE_GDAPI, TECHMON and WS_HISTOGRAM.
After this action, city model is correclty visible.