2008 Mar 10 11:39 AM
I am trying to modify already exixsting pf status.But when i am tyring to add new fuction code in Application tool bar and double click I get a message saying Function code 'ZMD4' has not been assigned to a function key.
And i am not able to create a new button.
Please help. Thanks.
2008 Mar 10 11:44 AM
Go to se41 - Function keys (below application toolbar) here assigned the shortcut (tab name) to a function key.
hope it works.
2008 Mar 10 11:44 AM
Go to se41 - Function keys (below application toolbar) here assigned the shortcut (tab name) to a function key.
hope it works.
2008 Mar 10 12:27 PM
Still I am having the same problem. When i go to SE41 in change mode I can put new Fuction code say 'ZMD4' and when i press enter i get that message.
The below App toolbar there are freely aasigned fuction keys but that are non editable.When i try to insert it says No inserts allowed with function key setting.
Can you give me the steps.
Because when you are creating a new PF status you put your fn code in APP toolbar and when u press enter it asks you for fuction key which you can assign to it. here its not the case.
2008 Mar 10 11:48 AM
Have you tried by giving another function code to same button
2015 Jan 28 9:23 AM
1) Se80->Program:XXXXXXX ->GUI Status: XXXXXXX; change mode
2) unfold "Function keys":
In frame "Freely assign function keys" put the cursor in the first
field that allows input (in line for "Ctrl+F3/or any available Func Key")
Press "Change selected original" button
-> Insert code :ZMD4, Text: yyyyyyyyy
3) Menubar-> Double click "Goto"
Press "insert entry" button
Press "Change selected original" button
-> Insert code: ZMD4
4) Application tool bar's Item 8 ->
Press "Change selected original" button -> add ZMD4
5) Press Enter key or save immediatedly.