2006 Jun 23 11:22 PM
Hi All,
I'm using the txn PFAL to distrubute HR master data from one system to another, the system is not picking up the data from Infotye 0001 but it is picking up from other infotypes. What can be the possible reasons.
The select statment generated by the system is as below ( SQL trace ) is as below:
WHERE "MANDT" = 600 AND "PERNR" = 000000
AND "BEGDA" <= 20060623
AND "ENDDA" >= 200060623
ORDER BY ..............
As the value in pernr field is 00000000 the system is unable to pick up the data. Now my question is what can be the possible reasons for the pernr value to be initial. Is it an authorization issue? If so what should need to do?
2006 Sep 21 1:42 PM
Go to PA04 and check whether the number range currently assigned to your employees has been reinitialised to 0. That is the first check point.