2009 Sep 23 12:12 PM
Hi All,
I am using table control with wizrd on screen and i want to update ztable.
the problem is while i am entering multiple line in table control it will only store last record in ztable.
1. 401 10 8091401 02.02.2009
2. 401 20 8091402 02.02.2009
In ztable it stores second line
2009 Sep 23 12:18 PM
How have u designed the table control with wizard ?
Did you assign an internal table and a workarea declared in your program top include ?
Did you keep one field for the marking of the records in the table control ?
Have you ticked the multiple line selection tick box ?
2009 Sep 23 12:18 PM
How have u designed the table control with wizard ?
Did you assign an internal table and a workarea declared in your program top include ?
Did you keep one field for the marking of the records in the table control ?
Have you ticked the multiple line selection tick box ?
2009 Sep 23 12:50 PM
I am using Dictonary table (Same table i want to update ).
In that multiple line selection tick box disable.
2009 Sep 23 12:58 PM
Is your table control data table and the internal table from which you are populating the table control is in sync after you have input those two records ?
If yes then are you looping on that table while updating the ztable ?
2009 Sep 23 1:32 PM
I am using following syntax for updating ztable.
case ok_code.
when 'ENTR'.
modify ztable from g_wa. (Using wa which is generated after creating wizard)
2009 Sep 24 5:19 AM
g_wa is just a work area which will contain the latest record in it. As in your case it contains the second record.
You will have to loop through that internal table containing the data and update each record. Or simply use
Update ZTABLE (your database table) from table it_data (your internal table).
In this case all your records in the internal table will be updated to the database table.
Edited by: Ganesh Venkatakrishnan on Sep 24, 2009 9:49 AM
2009 Sep 24 5:41 AM
> I am using following syntax for updating ztable.
case ok_code. > when 'ENTR'. > modify ztable from g_wa. (Using wa which is generated after creating wizard) > endcase.
> thanks
Hi Suhas,
if the module, in which this code exist, is inside the loop then only it can update all the records. else just imagine the scenario, you are updating the ztable only from workarea. work area holds only single value.
what i suggest you is there are two options as you have designed it with wizard:
1st. put this code inside the module which comes in the
loop at z_tablecntrl.
module2. " put the same code what you wrote in this module2.
2nd. put this code in the module outside the loop lets say in the module: MODULE USER_COMMAND_<scrno>, but change the code to:
modify ztable from table gt_table. " gt table if you have declared your table from work area. else only modify ztable will do
hope this helps you
2009 Sep 24 10:14 AM
Thanks for your reply
I worked on your second option and now it works fine.
I write follwing code in module USER_COMMAND_1000 input.
But now i face another problem.
When I enter values and press enter button it will store the values in ztable and after executing program again screen shows previous records.
Then I comment the following line in PBO
After remove this line when I press ENTER for data storage the values are store in ztable but the values are not remains on screen after pressing ENTRER button.
2009 Sep 24 10:45 AM
Your problem is confusing. Do you want to retain those values on the screen or you want it to be cleared once it is updated to the ZTABLE.
Write a module in PBO which fetches the latest record from ZTABLE and displays it on the screen.
2009 Sep 24 11:03 AM
you want to keep the previous records or not?
if you want to keep:
do nothing
if not:
clear/refresh the table which is declared in the table control after the modify block.
2009 Sep 24 12:12 PM
If i enter 2 records and press enter button then that record store in ztable. Then if I execute the program second time the previous 2 records are on screen. this time again I enter 2 new records the z table is updated correctly. Then after executing again there are 4 records on my screen.
First i enter these 2 records
1. 401 10 8091401 02.02.2009
2. 401 20 8091402 02.02.2009
After executing second time I enterfollowing 2 records
1. 402 10 8091403 02.02.2009
2. 402 20 8091404 02.02.2009
Now after executing 3 time there are 4 previos record on screen
1. 401 10 8091401 02.02.2009
2. 401 20 8091402 02.02.2009
3. 402 10 8091403 02.02.2009
4. 402 20 8091404 02.02.2009
2009 Sep 24 12:29 PM
SO I suppose, its good that the table is showing all the records in your ZTABLE.
Now what is your requirement ?
2009 Sep 23 1:31 PM
Hey Suhas,
I have a solution for u ...... why dont u create a table maintenance for the Ztable, which is provided by SAP it self. it looks simlar to table control and a module pool program.
here are the steps to create one:
u2022 Go to SE11
u2022 Open the table whose maintenance view you want to create
u2022 Go to Utilities Table Maintenance Generator
u2022 Enter Authorization Group -- &NC&
Function Group -- (any Z Function Group name for ur info keep table name n FG name same)
you need to create Fg separately from SE80 anf the give it here
Package -- $TMP ( or as per ur requirement)
Maintenance Type
One step ( choose one step only - two step will not give u table control display)
Maint. Screen No.
Overview screen -- 7000
u2022 Then u201C SAVE u201C
How to call table maintenance view in ur program ( report )
u2022 Then using the above FM u can call it anywhere u want.
action = 'U' " U means u can edit the table entries
view_name = 'zark_prod_comb1' u201C Name of the TM view
client_reference = 1
foreign_lock = 2
invalid_action = 3
no_clientindependent_auth = 4
no_database_function = 5
no_editor_function = 6
no_show_auth = 7
no_tvdir_entry = 8
no_upd_auth = 9
only_show_allowed = 10
system_failure = 11
unknown_field_in_dba_sellist = 12
view_not_found = 13
OTHERS = 14.
or if u dont want to call in program , then through Sm30 to can directly edit n maintain table entries in your Ztable same way u do in table control.
Close the post once u get the solution