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Problem in Purchase Requistion.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Friends,

we have used the two BAPI' s for release the purchase requistion ME53N.

The frist bapi 'BAPI_REQUISITION_DELETE' delete the item of the purchase requistion , this one is working correctly.


in debug mode the 2nd bapi successfully release the purchase requistion but it normal mode(with out the debug mode) it's not release the purchase requistion, we are putted the wait statement upto 2 seconds but still i am getting the same problem,

Can you please help me.

Thanks & Regards



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hai Please read given below Information and please read status in table requisitionItems.

This method enables you to list all purchase requisitions that have tobe released with a certain release code and group (collective release).


The authorization object M_EINK_FRG is checked.


The release code must be passed on in the parameter RelCode and the release group in the parameter RelGroup.

The parameter ItemsForRelease determines whether only thoserequisitions awaiting release are listed, or only those that have

already been released. The latter is useful if you wish to have a listfor the purposes of cancelling releases that have already been effected.


The result is returned in the table RequisitionItems.

Return messages

Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings. .