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Problem In Making Logic For Customer Clearing Enteries(F-32)

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I am working on the logic of a report in which i have to display customer knock off balances as it is represent in the tcode F-32 for a particular customer.

The problem is no such linking available among the payment made to customer whether it is of document type AB,KZ,RE there is no such linking between them.

Is there any way to solve the problem? Please provide me guidelines for it.

Thanks & Regards,

Yakul Bharwal


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You need to establish better business processes then. Incidently, you mention the customer clearing transaction but the document types are vendor related. Incoming customer payments should use the payment reference field and vendor invoices/invoice receipts/outgoing payments should use the reference field to start with.

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Dear Sir,

I apologize for writing it wrong. The document types which are used for the customer balances pay off are:-

AB,DZ,RV etc.. How can i make a linking among them so that if any payment is made,how it will justify the above the mentioned problem?

Please provide some guidelines for it.


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If a item is cleared you should find out the clearing document (so the payment) from the item data


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As I mentioned, payment reference (KIDNO) is generally the linking field for clearing customer payments against the invoices referenced. In a basic scenario where you receive a payment for a specific invoice, your keyers would enter the invoice number in the payment reference field, then you would clear by customer account/payment reference, assuming your RV docs are posting the document number to the KIDNO field. Other standard fields for clearing are Reference (XBLNR) and Assignment (ZUONR), but as you can see from the open item clearing config, you can use others as well. Keep in mind that F-32 is a forced clearing transaction where you have the option how to clear. It helps to have these fields populated in order to know how to clear (interactively). You should apply automatic clearing procedures with the fields I have mentioned with open item clearing config and program SAPF124. If you do not have these fields populated accordingly, you can't do it. Start by mass clearing (SAPF124) the accounts by company code or company code/year and then set up proper procedures for document keying. If you are trying to code for clearing by customer by document, I would do it with SAPF124.

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Hi Sir,

Thanks for your prompt reply . The scenario if there is particular customer and he is having 2200 outstanding. At one time,he is paid through document type AB on a particular date and then after 8 days he is paid through RV and after 1 month he is paid through some other document type.

If they are present in the cleared documents there is no such link also present to make it justified... so that it can be shown against which document or reference no..(invoice no..) it is paid ...

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Perhaps I'm not understanding, anyway it's not very important the document type used to post the payment, it's important to understand if the user has cleared the invoices after posting the payment.

If the user has posted the payments only, there's no link

BSEG-AUGDT is clearing date

BSEG-AUGBL is clearing document

The payment and the invoice payed by that payment should have the same clearing data


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Yeah, I'm not understanding either. I thought the issue was going back later and trying to clear a bunch of open docs in FD32? You're right, if you post with clearing directly, there's no issue either...

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IN FBLXN screens you have the option to mass update. If you want to mass clear like 800 line items in a customer account You could assign the same value to ZUONR or SGTXT area with mass update and than rum f-32 or other clearing transaction with ZUONR or SGTXT option. The screen will bring all the line items for you to clear.