2010 Apr 15 12:47 PM
I have use LSMW for uplaoding material masters sales and purchase order text , first I have done for purchase order text with object : MATERIAL and ID : BEST it works fine for this after that when I am trying same for uploading sales text OBJECT : MVKE and ID : 0001 it is picking file proerly and till final BDC step it is not giving any error but in material master sales text is not getting updated for that material.
what canb be the problemm
also for pO text for matnr i have given only material code 18 Chr.
and for sales text i hva egiven MATNR + SALES ORG. + DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL as it required for sales text.
2010 Apr 15 1:27 PM
Dear Zafar,
I found a similar problem while uploading Porduction order long text. May be this information is useful for you.
The common task of changing the long text of a production orderu2019s operation can bring some surprises.
The first problem that is usually encountered is that after updating the long text with the function SAVE_TEXT, the new text is not visible in standard SAP transactions like CO03. The new text can be read with the function READ_TEXT though. The trick is that SAP uses the u201Clong text existsu201D indicator, the field TXTSP in the table AFVC. To make the text u201Cvisibleu201D to standard transactions, we have to set the TXTSP value to the current language (or the textu2019s language). Unfortunately, this has to be done with the direct UPDATE on the AFVC u2013 there are no known workarounds.
Another problem can be seen when the same order is processed by users that use different languages. While SAP allows to store the long text for the same operation in several languages, actually, only one text object will be active at the same time in regard to standard transactions u2013 the object in the last saved language. That means, when SAP writes the text back, the TXTSP will be overwritten with the current language (say, language A). If the next user is working in another language (language B), SAP will present the text in the u201Cfirstu201D language (A) in the CO03 (even if the text in language B exists!). But after saving, the text will be written in the new language and TXTSP will be set accordingly.
So, when working with long texts directly, you have to read with READ_TEXT using the language stored in TXTSP, NOT with the current language. When saving, you save in the current language and set the TXTSP to the current language. This way you are consistent with what SAP does and this will prevent you from surprises in a multilingual environment.
2010 Apr 16 4:37 AM
Thanks for your reply, but in my case along with matne + sales organization + distribution channel and text line i am also giving lanuageas EN, and main observation is that same code is lsmw conept is running properly when i am updating purchase order text but while updating sales text for material master in lsmw it is not giving any error even after running bdc session but tetxt are not getting updated while PO text for matnr i am passing only matnr 18 chr AND FOR SALES TEXT AS MTNR I AM PASSING MATNR+ Sales org. + Didtribution channel.
2010 Apr 17 8:00 AM
2010 Oct 12 5:03 AM