2009 Feb 06 3:30 PM
Hi All,
I have 4 radiobutton for each radiobutton there is one internaltable to be displayed in alv.
My requirement is intead of calling the function module reuse_alv_grid_display everytime for
each of the internal table I want to create a dynamic internal tble for the function module.
My question is how to create a dynamic internal table which will hold the fields & data of
different interna table when diffrent radiobuttons are checked.
Areciate your time to help.
Thank you very much.
2009 Feb 06 3:40 PM
Using Field Symbols ist possible.
field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table,
Hope this will resolve the issue.
2009 Feb 06 3:43 PM
Hi Santosh,
Take that FM reuse_alv_grid_display into one perform and call every time that perform for each radio button and take bewlo table parameteras for that perfrom
1) your output table for that radio button
2) field catalog for that radio button
2009 Feb 07 10:03 AM
Hi follow following logic:
field-symbols: <i_table> type standard table.
when rb1 is checked.
assign itab1 to <i_table>.
perform alv_disp using <i_table>
when rb2 is checked.
assign itab2 to <i_table>.
perform alv_disp using <i_table>
when rb3 is checked.
assign itab3 to <i_table>.
perform alv_disp using <i_table>
when rb4 is checked.
assign itab4 to <i_table>.
perform alv_disp using <i_table>
<<<<<<<<<<form alv_disp
form alv_disp using p_i_table type standard table.
perform create fieldcatelog changing i_fc
call the fm and pass the table p_i_table and i_fc
<<<<<<<<<< form create fieldcaelog
here create field catelog ..either by fm reuse_alv_fieldcatelog_merge ...in this just pass the structure name based on the radiobutton
hope its useful
2009 Feb 07 9:18 AM
2009 Mar 05 3:34 PM