2009 Sep 04 10:32 AM
From the ABAP program am getting the input and fetch the value from the table and passing to Screen painter by 'call screen' command. The screen have some standard formats, again I have to give some input value and validate against already fetch the value from the table. If the validation is correct means I have to print the screen as displaying in the screen.
But when I click the print icon at the output screen I can get the printout of input screen of the ABAP program.
How can I print the output from screen painter?
My program is as blow:
pr_wrk like vbrp-werks obligatory,
pr_vbl like vbrk-vbeln obligatory,
pr_mat like vbrp-matnr obligatory,
pr_lsz(10) type n.
select ..... from vbrk
where vkorg eq pr_wrk
and vbeln eq pr_vbl.
select ....
call screen 103
module user_command_0103 input.
line_count = sy-loopc.
data : ok_code like sy-ucomm.
case ok_code.
when 'PRINT'.
call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
destination = 'LOCL'
copies = count
list_name = 'TEST'
list_text = 'PDI OS'
immediately = 'X'
release = 'X'
new_list_id = 'X'
expiration = days
line_size = 70
line_count = 55
layout = 'X_65_80'
sap_cover_page = 'X'
cover_page = 'X'
receiver = 'SAP*'
department = 'System'
sap_object = 'RS'
ar_object = 'TEST'
archive_id = 'XX'
archive_info = 'III'
archive_text = 'Description'
no_dialog = ' '
out_parameters = params
out_archive_parameters = arparams
valid = valid.
if valid <> space.
submit zpdi_report using selection-set 'DATA' to sap-spool
spool parameters params
archive parameters arparams
without spool dynpro.
Kindly help me.
S. John
2009 Sep 04 6:38 PM
Assuming the call to 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS' is successful (you did not check the return code), then you need to use
2009 Sep 05 5:45 AM
Thanks for your kind reply.
I am getting input screen in the printout. I want to print the output screen.
kindly help me.
2009 Sep 08 10:21 PM
I don't understand what you mean by 'input screen' and 'output screen'? That syntax variant for SUBMIT will trigger the output of the called program to be sent to the spool system. If you changed the code as I suggested and it still doesn't have the desired effect, then you must have a problem with the program that is being submitted...