2008 Mar 26 8:05 PM
I added a couple of key fields to a Z table and activated it. Every thing went well - adjusted it with SE14 also.
When I checked the Runtime object - it is OK.
When I checked Database Object, it is showing that the Primary Index does not exist in Database but SE14 says that the Priamry Index exists in Database.
Please advise how to correct this. I saw another psoting when I searched per this error message: "Indexes: Inconsistent with DDIC source" . It tells to create this index at Database but need to know the steps.
pl advise.
(reposting here)
Edited by: Venkatabby on Mar 26, 2008 4:05 PM
2008 Mar 27 3:51 AM
If you see the general behavior of database tables in ths scenario, you will find a default primary index for every table in SE14. Whereas you don't have the same index displayed in SE11. For example take the table AUFK. In SE11 you have specific defined indexes but if you go to SE14, there you will find an additional index saying Primary Index.
I don;t think this creates some problem for your objects. Let me know if it does.
2008 Mar 27 5:19 AM
To create a index for a table,
go to se11->click on Indexes tab and create a primary index.
Indexes speed up data selection from the database. They consist of selected fields of a table, of which a copy is then made in sorted order. If you specify the index fields correctly in a condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause, the system only searches part of the index (index range scan).
The system automatically creates the primary index. It consists of the primary key fields of the database table. This means that for each combination of fields in the index, there is a maximum of one line in the table. This kind of index is also known as UNIQUE.
If you cannot use the primary index to determine the result set because, for example, none of the primary index fields occur in the WHERE or HAVINGclauses, the system searches through the entire table (full table scan). For this case, you can create secondary indexes, which can restrict the number of table entries searched to form the result set.
You create secondary indexes using the ABAP Dictionary. There you can create its columns and define it as UNIQUE.
reward points if useful.
2008 Mar 27 12:17 PM
Both the answers vaguely refer to my issue.
So if I create Unique seconday index, it will take care of my issue?
To reiterate:
SE14 > Indexes > Primary Index
System says that the PRIMARY INDEX exists on Database.
When I go to Database Utility > Check,
it says the table is inconsistent as the Priamry Index does not exist on Database.
Pl help ASAP.
2008 Apr 02 8:29 PM
The index was dropped at database level and recreated at DB02